Mutanda Farms’ interests in poultry production, are diverse and vibrant, with egg and chicken production at the core of what we do. Our poultry operations are spilt across two farms and utilise the latest technology to ensure we produce world-class products for the local and regional markets.
Currently producing in excess of 75 million eggs annually, our brand, King Eggs is one of the largest producers of table eggs in Zambia today.
Modern technology and facilities, careful management and scientifically formulated and produced feeds combine to ensure our chickens are productive, efficient and healthy, producing nutritious and healthy eggs for our customers and consumers in Zambia and the DRC.
We are constantly evolving to improve our products and performance and utilize the knowledge and expertise of a number of internationally acclaimed advisors, to improve our product quality and on-farm productivity, while also limiting the potential for bio-security breaches and the impact of disease and resulting negative fluctuations in our production and the quality of the eggs we produce. Our egg operation maintains the highest international standards and we are proud of the quality eggs it produces for the local and regional markets.
Based on our Kalilo Farm, our broiler operation employs the latest technology to produce world-class chickens.Our chickens are raised from day-old in modern, industry-leading housing facilities, which combine the latest technology and ease of management, to ensure the highest standards of animal welfare, bio-security and efficiency, allowing the birds to maximize on their genetic potential.
Mutanda Farms’ chicken abattoir and processing facilities, based in the town of Chingola are modern, hygienic and subscribe to the highest standards of food safety and security.
We pride ourselves on maintaining strong bio-security and safety in our operations, and maintain a strong record in both aspects. We place a great deal of attention on continually improving our bio-security measures and this has allowed us to ensure we are producing eggs and chickens of the highest quality, whilst maintaining the health and wellbeing of our chickens, and the safety of all of the people working on the farms.
We are proactive in our bio-security management approach and ensure we subscribe to the highest global standards of agribusiness food safety and bio-security.
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Our sales team is available to assist you, should you be interested in our products, and thanks to a modern, advanced fleet of trucks, we are able to offer logistics solutions that can deliver products to your door!
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